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AI Face-off

Statesman writers compare various AI Chatbots

On Nov. 30, 2022, the artificial intelligence (AI) craze started after ChatGPT launched, bringing with it academic cheating and plagiarism scandals. Nowadays, it feels like every company is releasing a new chatbot to compete with OpenAI’s creation, each with its benefits and weaknesses. Today, join us as we dive deep into four different bots: Meta AI, ChatGPT, My AI from Snapchat and Bing AI.  We asked all four AI software the same prompt: Write me a paragraph comparing robots to sheep. After collecting each response, we analyzed the different responses they provided based on three factors: personality, credibility, and quality of life features.

ChatGPT is the most popular Chatbot and the first one we’ve tried. OpenAI, a company that powers many AI Chatbots and was recently bought by Microsoft, created the tool. ChatGPT is also quite customizable, as you can tailor the AI’s responses to your needs. You can even enable third-party plugins for more customization. 



  • Sheep and robots are seemingly disparate entities that share some intriguing similarities and differences. On one hand, sheep are living beings, domesticated for centuries for their wool, meat, and milk. They possess biological complexity, sensory perception, and the ability to adapt to their environment. In contrast, robots are man-made machines designed to perform specific tasks autonomously or under human control. They lack biological traits but are equipped with artificial intelligence and sensors to navigate and interact with the world. While sheep rely on instincts and natural behaviors, robots operate based on programming and algorithms. Sheep exhibit a degree of unpredictability due to their animal nature, whereas robots offer precision and consistency in their actions. In a world increasingly driven by automation and technology, comparing sheep to robots underscores the contrast between the organic and the artificial, highlighting the evolving relationship between nature and innovation.


Next, we analyzed the Bing AI software. Developed by Microsoft and released in February 2023, it combines chatbot and search engine functionality. Users can also enable GPT-4 for the AI’s responses, but we used the default chatbot for the purposes of this article.


  • Sheep and robots are two vastly different entities, but there are a few similarities that can be drawn between them. For instance, both sheep and robots have been the subject of human fascination for centuries. Sheep have been domesticated for their wool and meat, while robots have been developed to perform various tasks that are too dangerous or difficult for humans. Additionally, both sheep and robots have been used as symbols in various cultures. Sheep have been associated with docility, innocence, and sacrifice, while robots have been associated with intelligence, efficiency, and automation. However, beyond these few similarities, sheep and robots are quite different from each other. Interestingly, there has been some experimentation with using robots to herd sheep. A New Zealand firm called Rocos has partnered with Boston Dynamics to develop a robot that can herd sheep using heat, LIDAR, gas, and high-resolution camera sensors. However, according to James Rebanks, a sheep farmer and author from England’s Lake District, robots simply don’t have the motor skills or intelligence needed for such demanding work. Rebanks argues that moving sheep requires more than just being behind them; it’s about doing whatever the controller asks and sometimes what needs doing based on the dog’s own intelligence beyond the handler’s control. A shift to the left or right of a few inches can turn the sheep, and a great dog can judge their characters and how much to do or not do. This relationship between sheep and dog is vital and rooted in the evolutionary history of predator and prey. Therefore, while there may be some similarities between sheep and robots, it seems unlikely that robots will ever fully replace the role of a good sheepdog.


The Snapchat AI had gained controversy online over user privacy concerns. It doesn’t help that you must pay for the Snapchat+ monthly subscription to remove the feature . Regardless, the chatbot seems here to stay, regardless of user concerns.

Snapchat AI:

  • Robots and sheep are both fascinating in their own ways! Robots are like high-tech machines that can perform various tasks and are designed by humans. They can be programmed to do specific things and are made of metal and wires. On the other hand, sheep are living animals with fluffy wool and cute faces. They graze on grass, provide wool, and can even be kept as pets. So, while robots are man-made creations, sheep are adorable creatures of nature.


Finally, we analyzed the newest chatbot in this article, Meta AI. Created by Meta, it can be used on a wide range of devices, including WhatsApp, Instagram, the Meta Quest 3, and for the purposes of this article Messenger. Although still in Beta, we decided to test it out and compare it with the others.


  • Robots and sheep may seem like an odd comparison, but they share similarities. Both are known for their herd mentality, following a leader or instructions without questioning. Robots, like sheep, can perform repetitive tasks without getting bored or distracted. Additionally, robots can be programmed to perform tasks simultaneously and efficiently, much like a flock of sheep moving together. Unlike sheep, however, robots can perform a wide range of tasks beyond herding, making them highly versatile.


Firstly, ChatGPT’s response was pretty standard for an AI Chatbot. It formally contains information relevant to the prompt. However, despite having a large database, it doesn’t feel humanistic. It also doesn’t link any sources, which is a huge missed opportunity and raises doubts about its credibility.

Bing’s response was a pleasant surprise, as it went beyond what the prompt asked. It had the most information by far. Despite being asked for a paragraph, it made two. It also linked its sources directly, which can be extremely helpful when looking for information. While Bing does sound the most robotic, it is the most informative.

Snapchat’s response contained the most personality out of all the responses and sounded the least like a computer-generated response. It clearly compared and contrasted the robots and sheep and expressed opinions, unlike the rest of the paragraphs. However, it was the shortest answer by far and went the least in-depth. Also, it didn’t list any sources, thus raising doubts about its credibility.

Lastly, Meta AI’s response is quite personal and very comparison-heavy. It’s also the only response to acknowledge how bizarre the question is directly. However, it does have a few faults. Some comparisons don’t make sense (sheep don’t do repetitive tasks), and it doesn’t link any sources or statistics, thus raising questions regarding credibility.

Overall, every response was unique in its way, even though they discussed the same topic. Bing was the best regarding actual information being presented, and Snapchat felt the least like a computer. Regarding accessibility, Meta AI is the best because of its accessibility on most  devices. ChatGPT is quite convenient, though, as you don’t need to download any apps to use it, and you can simply use the website.

Love it or hate it, AI is here to stay, and will no doubt be improved in the coming years. AI can be used for good, such as medical purposes or grading. We haven’t explored the fullest of AI’s potential, but these apps may be a taste of the future.

Overall Summary Ranking :

Scoring ChatGPT Bing Snapchat Meta
Personality – Sounded very formal – Sounded like a computer – Very personable, sounded like a human response to a dinner table conversation – Sounded very formal
Credibility – Correct Info
– No sources listed
– Correct Info
– Sources listed
– Went above and beyond by referencing an article
– Correct Info
– No sources listed
– Correct Info
– No sources listed
Features – Fully customizable
– Convenient
– No customization
– Need Microsoft account
– Convenient
can enable GPT-4
– Completely customizable
– Free, but need to pay to remove it
– Convenient yet sketchy
– Wide variety of bots
– Free, but in early access
– Convenient
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