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The student news site of Adlai E. Stevenson High School


The student news site of Adlai E. Stevenson High School


The student news site of Adlai E. Stevenson High School


Gipper Prom has dresses in all different shapes and colors. Ranging from ballgowns to mermaids to A-lines, there are a variety of dresses that each girl could experiment with at the store.

The Perfect Prom Dress

Allyson Duan, Business Manager | February 7, 2025

Prom is one of the most anticipated and unforgettable events of high school, the last dance for seniors. An exciting—yet sometimes stressful— part of prom is finding the perfect dress. From costs to...

Goal setting culture

Goal setting culture

Statesman Staff | February 7, 2025

As the final week of the year approaches, many people start preparing for New Year's Eve by making plans with friends and deciding what they’ll wear when the clock strikes midnight. Others prefer to...

Obsession of Olympiads

Obsession of Olympiads

Timothy Bui, Editor-in-Chief | February 3, 2025

Opening a link from the Math Team sponsor, I scrolled down the 20-page Honor Roll list for the American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) 8, a list containing hundreds of names of middle school students...

The Legitimacy of High School Research

The Legitimacy of High School Research

Timothy Bui, Editor-in-Chief | January 27, 2025

Four years ago, overhearing your sister musing about a distinguished student who participated in research and got admitted to numerous colleges, you marvel at the idea of research, regarding it as a highly...

Official art for "Squid Game 2"

Squid Game Season 2 Review

Allyson Duan, Business Manager | January 27, 2025

From breaking records to capturing global attention, season 1 of the Netflix original series Squid Game captivated audiences worldwide with its intense and unique storyline. Reaching 68 million views in...

Technology Teaching Teachers

Technology Teaching Teachers

Netra Wuppalapati, Staff Reporter | January 4, 2025

Looking at your teacher’s guided notes sheets, you see an awfully familiar font and style of writing that isn’t your teacher’s normal font choice. You think long and hard about where you have seen...

Technology and Art

Technology and Art

Devika Pillai, Staff Reporter | December 22, 2024

Once, during a photo contest when only AI-generated photos were allowed to be submitted, a man named Miles Astray submitted his photo of a flamingo with seemingly no head and claimed it as AI-generated...

Graphic by Ishanvi Mishra

How does gatekeeping extracurriculars hurt school communities?

Bradley Saltzman, Staff Reporter | December 20, 2024

It’s the end of August and you are starting a new school year, prepared to catch up about the summer with your peers. You ask your friends about their summer. They shrug and say, “Nothing, I just relaxed.”...

Moana 2 Review

Moana 2 Review

Devika Pillai, Staff Reporter | December 17, 2024

From dynamic demigods to sentient seas, the original Moana directed by John Musker and Ron Clement was very entertaining and a unique movie. That’s why when I heard the sequel, Moana 2, directed by David...

How has our dependency on technology changed?

How has our dependency on technology changed?

Statesman Staff | December 16, 2024

You sit at your desk staring at your Ipad screen. You have 4 tests tomorrow that decide your grade and an essay that's due tonight. Realistically, it would take you 3-4 hours to finish your essay, but...

iPad Restrictions: Too Much?

iPad Restrictions: Too Much?

Netra Wuppalapati, Staff Reporter | December 16, 2024

Tap. Tap. Tap tap tap tap. You frustratedly spam the refresh button of the browser for, hoping the window clouding your screen goes away. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t. Shutting your iPad, you...

Growth of Greenwashing

Growth of Greenwashing

Eleanor McInnis, Copy Editor | November 19, 2024

When you opened your phone one morning, you saw a news app notification, showing that your favorite clothing brand falsely claimed to have implemented a production process with significantly lower carbon...

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